The HP Stream 11 & Gaming


The meger spec of the HP Stream 11 that means it should only be used for web browsing, Office tasks, streaming media & Blogging don’t just limit it to these tasks as it is also able to do light gaming as well.

The HP Stream 11 is also capable of playing Windows Store games such as Game Dev Tycoon, Halo Spartan Assault & Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Beta. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Beta doesn’t have sny noticsble lag while playing, but in a test world I created I did notice a total freeze of the game (the game didn’t stop responding as amimals in the area that I was when it froze were still moving, it was more of keyboard & touchpad input froze). I don’t know if the keyboard & touchpad non-responsiveness is down to the fact that Minecraft Windows 10 Edition is still in Beta or if it’s due to other factors such as the fact that I’ve got windows 10 on my HP Stream 11 to Install apps to the Micro SD Card.

The Lego Movie Game from Steam & I’m assuming the other Lego Games on Steam, although there is slight noticable lag when playing these games.

Gaming on the HP Stream 11 is perfectly possible but I’d stick to something like the games available in the Windows Store or the less demanding games on Steam such as the Lego ones & maybe go with the Java version of Minecraft over the Windows 10 Edition Beta (as that works flawlessly on my HP Stream 7 Tablet wich as pretty much the same CPU, RAM & SSD size as the HP Stream 11).

I only Installed Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Beta as I got it free with being an existing owner of the Java version of Minecraft.


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